Monroe County

New funding announced to support employment opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals in Rochester

Rochester, New York – Senator Samra Brouk and Assemblymember Sarah Clarke have made a significant announcement that promises to enhance the lives of previously incarcerated individuals in Rochester. They have secured $100,000 in funding for Rochester’s Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) office, a move that is set to strengthen the support system for those reintegrating into society after incarceration.

The Center for Employment Opportunities plays a crucial role in aiding those returning from prison by providing immediate paid employment, skills training, and ongoing career support. The impressive results over the past year serve as proof that this strategy has been successful. CEO Rochester enrolled 130 people and successfully placed over 100 of them into transitional employment roles. Importantly, data indicates that CEO’s programs can reduce community recidivism rates by as much as 22%.

Assemblymember Sarah Clarke emphasized the importance of such initiatives. “With so many gaps in the re-entry process and a large number of barriers to integrating back into society, it’s no wonder that formerly incarcerated individuals struggle,” Clarke stated. She underscored the need for investment in programs that assist in successful re-entry and highlighted the necessity of working with partners who have established trust within the community.

In addition to providing immediate job opportunities, the CEO is also expanding its efforts into advanced training. This move targets key areas that present viable career opportunities for individuals re-entering society. Notably, these include specialized programs such as the Commercial Driver’s License Pathway, the IT Training Pathway, and the Emerging Leaders Program.

The funding that Senator Brouk and Assemblymember Clarke announced is a crucial development in Rochester’s support of formerly incarcerated people. By focusing on employment and training, the CEO aims to break the cycle of incarceration and pave the way for a more inclusive and productive community. This investment not only helps individuals rebuild their lives but also contributes to the overall economic and social health of Rochester.

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