Crime and SafetyNew York

Teenager arrested in fatal Bronx shooting of aspiring drill rapper

Police said on Tuesday that a teenager has been detained in connection with the deadly shooting of an aspiring drill rapper in the Bronx.

The police say that Jordany Aracena was killed on September 25 by a 17-year-old suspect, whose name is withheld given the fact that he is underage.

According to reports, the police suspect that Aracena, who was also 17 years old, was killed because of the lyrics in his song.

At around 6:15 p.m., five individuals wearing ski masks opened fire on the adolescent as he was on Beekman Avenue in the vicinity of E. 141st Street in Mott Haven, according to the NYPD.

Aracena was shot in the chest and arm, and the police say that the people who did it were wearing all black masks and ran away.

He was taken by ambulance to Lincoln Hospital, but it was too late to rescue him.

After the murder, a friend and neighbor of Aracena’s informed the Daily News that the teenager had been rough for the sake of his music.

“He’d be lying [in his raps] about what he did and was going to do, like lots of dudes,” said Eric Scott, 21. “It’s a shame.”

Police are still looking for the other people involved in Aracena’s murder.

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