Monroe County

New security protocols for entering Monroe County Office Building in Rochester

Rochester, New York – Starting Monday, Jan. 8, the Monroe County Office Building in Rochester has implemented new security procedures to enhance the safety of both visitors and employees. These changes are part of a broader effort to align with federal guidelines for security at government buildings.

The new security measures require all visitors to the building, located on West Main Street, to undergo a thorough screening process before entry. This includes bag searches and passing through metal detectors, ensuring a higher level of security within the premises. The implementation of these measures is in response to the growing need for increased safety in public spaces, particularly in government facilities.

In addition to the screening process, there have been changes to the entry points of the building. Signs have been placed on the doors facing West Main Street, directing visitors to use the entrance on Irving Place instead. This entrance is designed to be accessible for individuals with physical disabilities and will be manned by staff during business hours, ensuring ease of access while maintaining security protocols.

It’s important to note that employees and elected officials who possess ID badges will retain access through the W. Main St. entrance. This measure allows for a smoother flow of staff while ensuring that all visitors adhere to the new security procedures.

Monroe County’s statement regarding these changes emphasizes that these new procedures are in line with practices already established at other key buildings in the area, such as City Hall, the Hall of Justice, and the Federal Building in Rochester. The introduction of these security measures at the Monroe County Office Building is a step towards ensuring a safer environment for everyone visiting or working in these public spaces.

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